如何在Microsoft Windows Server 2016英文版操作系统下安装中文语言包。1.首先找到Microsoft Windows server 2016语言包文件,并拷贝到服务器。2.在服务器上按组合键win+R键调出运行工具,输入lpksetup并回车。3.回车后选择Install display languages(安装显示语言)。4.点击Browse,然后选择下载好的语言包,点击OK。5.点击Next开始安装。6.选择I accept the license terms(同意
System ROM Flash BinaryU22_2.86_05_28_2020.signed.flash (8.0 MB)https://support.hpe.com/hpsc/swd/public/detail?swItemId=MTX_0e89a86c81ec491ba4d35caeb9 Installation: To update Firmware from UEFI shell: 1. Copy
Compact Steps (Using ONLY MEGAREC3 and MEGACLI in DOS)(These instructions will allow you to flash a Dell H330 Raid card to a HBA330 Card with IT HBA firmware without using Windows, using only DOS tools)Steps:1. Using the same files I includ