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还有 3 人发表了评论 加入5192人围观查看之前的国外论坛资料新的G10 Plus到了,被税海关邮件自提。默认的bios 里面是开启不了iLO的,即使设置为share 网卡的模式,也无法使用。现要找一个 PCIE卡来破坏,有显卡,网卡,nvme转接卡,还有一个之前咸鱼上买的hp flom转接卡, 多了一张,价格不高,十...
还有 3 人发表了评论 加入5192人围观First things first: you need to create your AWS account. You can sign up here. You’ll have to provide a credit card and a phone number where you will be called as part of the online registration process for verification purposes. Amazon offers a Free Usage Tier, which is great to explore the services and even host real apps without being charged. Check the details here.